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Kundalini - an internal process to evolve the human race

Jun 26, 2022
In the woods

"Kundalini is like an incinerator that burns people's inner garbage and purifies the soul." -Stuart Perrin

Few weeks ago I received a package. It was unexpected, and I almost forgot to pick it up from the post office. It was a book my author friend had sent to me. Not her own writing but something that came with a note: "I found this from a local old books store, give it forward if you don't want to read it." The cover of the book caught my attention, and the name "Kundalini Rising - exploring the energy of awakening."

I began reading. Page after page I came to realize that the book was something I HAD TO read. I didn't find the book, the book found me! It included all that I have been teaching for over 10-years. This far all the information I have received in meditation, in dreams, on my walks and while cleaning the house have seemed like my own findings and experiences, but from the book I realized that so many people have found the same information before me. I was relieved! I didn't make it up. IT IS REAL!

There are over 20 stories about Kundalini Energy in the book, telling how people have experienced it. For some it has been a sudden, unexpected and shocking experience, but one story in the book caught all my attention. It could have been written by me. I do have had a strong experience of this enlightening energy, but that is not a point. People hear about the power of kundalini, they talk about it but they have no idea what the energy is about. It has absolutely nothing to do with psychic powers. It has all to do with LOVE, JOY, ACCEPTANCE, CREATIVITY, FORGIVNESS AND HAPPINESS. 

"Happy people are enlightened people, and that happiness is an inner state manifesting when kundalini energy has transformed the human into divine." - Stuart Perrin

Of course it can be scary to be happy and forgiving, knowing there is not right or wrong, being accepting and seeing the bigger picture. It's also the fact that when people are not living in FEAR anymore, they cannot be controlled. Our society is depending on us hanging on fear. With kundalini flowing freely in your system there is no room for fear. Your natural instincts and intuition are strong, you know your power and how to use it to benefit for the humanity. 

You can get to know yourself by studying your chakras, energy vortexes that are located around your spine. They give signals that manifest as bodily symptoms. When you learn to read those signals you can start to heal yourself even before a sickness enters into your physical system. You are always one step ahead. This is Kundalini energy in working. You can learn to move the energy. When all the nadis, energy channels in your system, that inner web of myofascia, where all the information travels faster than you can ever imagine, is open, then the kundalini energy can lit you up to be that amazing, wise, happy, loving and forgiving person you were born to be. 

"This (awakening to your kundalini) is the internal process through which the human race can evolve into a kinder, more wise, and more compassionate species." - Bonnie Greenwell, PHD

My experience with kundalini energy has been slow and growing gradually. With time I have introduced the energy to my physical being. That one time when I experienced the quick movement of kundalini I had done kundalini yoga for over 20-years. It happened during an exercise at Yoga Teacher's Conference. The person who guided the exercise was not a kundalini yogi. With extremely powerful and fast breathing for over an hour I let the energy go wild without my own control. I wanted to test the energy. It was great, but even if I felt I was in heaven with no earthly worries during that hour, afterwards I was happy to feel grounded again. I was glad to have this experience. Now I know how the sudden kundalini awakening feels, and I can guide people NOT to experience IT, but to very slowly introduce the energy with kundalini yoga exercises for chakras, as I have done during these 20+ years. There are no quick fixes in this field, time is what we need!

Kundalini Yoga is a gift for humanity to stay sane during these worldly changes we're now living through. 

Photo: Elina Simonen

Sanliurfa, Turkki - Göbekli Tepe ja Karahan Tepe

Kundaliinijooga ja meditaatio retriitti 2.-8.6.2025

Kesän 2025 kundaliinijooga retriitillä Turkin Şanlıurfassa pääsemme meditoimaan näillä ikiaiaisilla pyhillä paikoilla ja kokemaan energian jota ne yhä kantavat mukanaan. Kesän retriitin teema on muinaisuus. Pääsemme joogan sekä meditaation keinoin sukeltamaan syvälle ihmiskunnan historian mysteeriin siellä, mistä nykyinen sivilisaatiomme on mahdollisesti saanut alkunsa. Työpajassa syvennymme tähän ikiaikaiseen tietoon meditoiden, kirjoittaen ja piirtäen. Tutkimme mitä sisäinen viisautemme kertoo, ja kuinka koemme tuon vuosituhansia maan alla piilossa odottaneen paratiisin?