So often we rely on outer light force
Feb 25, 2022
A while ago I was watching a keynote speaker on recorded live video. She was wearing this amazingly well-fitting red jacket that made her dark hair jump up from the screen yelling the attention and admiration. She seemed to be doing the recording at her gorgeously decorated living room with antique Asian furniture and Moroccan handmade rug. She had this certain glow on her face that made me see everything in her and her surroundings rich and beautiful. As I was listening to her speech, I understood that she truly knew what she was talking about and was on the top of her field. But I was still more mesmerized by her outer being, so I could barely follow what she was saying.
And suddenly in the middle of her speech something went dark. It was like the magic, that had earlier surrounded her, have accidently disappeared. The living room lost the glow and the colors on her clothes and face shaded. But what really triggered me to pay more attention to what was happening was her reaction to the accidental loss of glow. I realized, the circle light which we so often rely on when we share our knowledge and life online, had lost the electricity. Just like that the glow have vanished.
From that moment on I was awake and curious to see how she takes the incident. She was not running to fix the light. But as she continued her speech, she knew that the glow, she had so carefully staged, was not there to help her anymore. But what really stayed with me was the loss of self-confidence I saw happening in her. She was still beautiful; her hair was still wildly standing out. Even though her jacket wasn’t that shiny red anymore, the cuts and the fitting of the garment was still stunning. Only thing she had lost was the outer light force. She had lost the feeling of her glow. She was still as beautiful as she had been earlier but without the outer light force, she didn’t trust her own glow. And that made all the difference.
I have been teaching people for over 20-years how to trust their inner light, how to set the stage to glow even in the darkest hour of our lives. With our ever-shining inner light we still glow even if all shadows seem to be covering our existence. The light within is the guide through any darkness. Energy Activation Method will teach you how to light yourself and your life-stage from inside out. Your glow is not depending on electricity. The switch is in your mind. I’ll teach you how to use it.